fariba mohamadian; seyed reza salehi amiri; mahdi honarmand
The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting sport diplomacy in Iran by qualitative analysis approach. This study was conducted with qualitative approach and content analysis method. The statistical population of the study consisted of sports diplomacy experts. Purposeful sampling ...
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The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting sport diplomacy in Iran by qualitative analysis approach. This study was conducted with qualitative approach and content analysis method. The statistical population of the study consisted of sports diplomacy experts. Purposeful sampling and snowball sampling technique were used and sampling was continued until the research reached theoretical saturation and adequacy (n = 11). In-depth interviews were also used to collect the data. The questions of this interview were open-ended and based on the purpose of the research. In this study, Guba and Lincoln criteria were used to measure the validity and reliability of the research instrument. Finally, Maxqda version 12 software was used to analyze qualitative data. The results of the interview analysis showed that sports diplomacy is defined by two types of sports diplomacy for sport leadership and sports diplomacy influenced by political factors. It was also found that the prerequisites for sport diplomacy are a combination of subcategories of international seats in sport, having a roadmap for international diplomacy leaders, streamlining, early capacities for international relations officials. It is the foundation, the formulation of the strategic plan, the investment in promoting soft power and international awareness. Therefore, it is suggested that sport diplomacy leaders and practitioners provide a better context for the factors influencing sport diplomacy to make these factors more effective in order to see the dynamics and development of this soft power in the field. It was international
Atefeh Amini Dehaghi; Rasool Nazari; Rokhsareh Badami; Fariba Mohamadian
The purpose of this study was to present a model of institutionalizing alternatives to women's sports management.The present study is interpretive in terms of philosophy,establishment in terms of approach,grounded theory in terms of strategy,qualitative in terms of research selection,and cross-sectional ...
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The purpose of this study was to present a model of institutionalizing alternatives to women's sports management.The present study is interpretive in terms of philosophy,establishment in terms of approach,grounded theory in terms of strategy,qualitative in terms of research selection,and cross-sectional in terms of time period,and in order to collect its data.Interview tools were used. The statistical population of this study consists of experts in the field of women's sports management,including university professors and staff managers of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, the National Olympic Committee and sports federations.For sampling,purposive sampling method was used and sampling was continued until reaching theoretical saturation and based on this, 15 interviews were conducted.Semi-structured interviews were used to collect information and three overlapping processes of open coding,axial coding and theoretical coding were used to analyze the data.By matching the text of all interviews in the open coding stage,303 concepts or primary codes were identified,which were reduced to 78 codes after combining similar codes and removing codes that did not match the research topic.Then,in the axial coding stage,due to the semantic similarity of the identified concepts,10 sub-categories and based on the results of theoretical coding,3 main categories including contextual factors,structural factors and behavioral factors were formed.Based on the research results,it was found that the institutionalization of women's sports management succession is a function of structural,behavioral and contextual factors,and these factors interact with each other,so only when these factors are prepared and addressed.We can expect the institutionalization of succession programs in women's sports management.
mahdi Mohamadrahimi; Zahra Nobakht Ramezani; Azam Abdollahpour; fariba mohamadian
The aim of this research is Identifying effective factors in training national team coaches. This study is applied in nature and employs a mixed-method approach (qualitative-quantitative). In the qualitative part, a grounded theory research strategy with a constructive approach was used, while ...
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The aim of this research is Identifying effective factors in training national team coaches. This study is applied in nature and employs a mixed-method approach (qualitative-quantitative). In the qualitative part, a grounded theory research strategy with a constructive approach was used, while in the quantitative part, a multi-criteria decision-making method was employed. The participants in this research were sports coaches in both qualitative and quantitative sections, selected based on criteria of coaching experience, coaching at a national level, and the ability to collaborate. A purpose sampling method was used, and 27 interviews were conducted upon reaching theoretical saturation. In the qualitative section, the data collection tool was semi-structured interviews, and in the quantitative section, a matrix-like questionnaire with dimensions of 17×17 was used. To evaluate the quality of the qualitative findings, strategies such as credibility, transferability, confirmability, and dependability were employed, while in the quantitative section, face validity and the split-half method were used. Data analysis was conducted using Charmaz's grounded theory guidelines and the DEMATEL technique. The findings revealed that there are 17 variables influencing the development of national team coaches. Organizational support and backing have the most significant impact on this process, while gaining prestige and international status have the least impact. Causal variables such as systematic training, targeted planning, skill enhancement and knowledge development, and provision of equipment and hardware play a fundamental role in coach development. In contrast, outcome variables such as justice and meritocracy, supervision and evaluation, and
iliya sadat Vojdani tabatabaie; fariba mohamadian; zahra nobakht ramezani
In today's competitive environment, having political behavior helps businesses to achieve the competitive advantage of organizations. The study is to analyze the political behavior of managers in sports organizations. The strategy of the study is descriptive and survey type. The statistical population ...
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In today's competitive environment, having political behavior helps businesses to achieve the competitive advantage of organizations. The study is to analyze the political behavior of managers in sports organizations. The strategy of the study is descriptive and survey type. The statistical population was the directors of the federations, the Ministry of Sports and Youth and the general departments of physical education of the provinces as well as the heads of the provincial sports boards which included 250 men and women, 104 of whom participated in the study by simple random sampling. In order to collect data, two documentary and field methods have been used. To ensure the reliability of the research measurement tool, three Cronbach's alpha criteria, combined reliability and rho_a reliability were used, and to determine the validity of convergent validity (mean variance extraction variance) and divergent validity (Fornell and Larker test, transverse loads and HTMT test) were also used. Structural equation modeling technique and Smart Pls software were used to analyze the data.
The findings showed that political behavior was a negative effect on managers 'decisions and organizational identity and managers' decisions had a positive effect on organizational identity. In general, the results showed that the desired political behavior of managers in sports organizations can develop political wisdom. Be effective in the decision-making process, change and transformation of the organization, increase job satisfaction, measure the effectiveness of the organization, apply participatory management and increase power in employees are suggested.
Behnaz Khayyat; fariba mohamadian; Nima Majedi
In recent years, women have turned to self-employment and entrepreneurial processes in sports. Therefore, the study is to analyze the factors that promote and inhibit the development of women's sports entrepreneurship in Iran. It was applied in terms of research purpose and mixed in terms of implementation. ...
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In recent years, women have turned to self-employment and entrepreneurial processes in sports. Therefore, the study is to analyze the factors that promote and inhibit the development of women's sports entrepreneurship in Iran. It was applied in terms of research purpose and mixed in terms of implementation. First, in order to identify the factors promoting and inhibiting the development of women's sports entrepreneurship, theoretical foundations were studied and interviews with experts were conducted. After making the questionnaire using the identified factors and confirming the validity of form and content, they were distributed among the statistical population. The statistical population included all women active in sports entrepreneurs and owners of sports businesses who were chosen by available sampling method and answered the questionnaire electronically. A total of 273 questionnaires were returned. The exploratory factor analysis test was used to identify components and items and structural equation modeling test was used to evaluate factor analysis of the research conceptual model.
A total of 4 driving factors in the form of 23 items (supportive, social, individual and technological factors) and 6 deterrents in the form of 31 items (cultural factors, entrepreneurial spirit, educational support, financial, economic, political, legal and structural) were identified and the conceptual model of the research was confirmed.
It was concluded that in order to improve and develop women's sports entrepreneurship in the country, paying attention to the factors that improve the way to reach the first priority and the factors that slow down the path to improvement should be the second priority. Finally, a few suggestions to get out of this damage were presented.