Parvaneh Kholousi; Farshad Tojari; Mohammad Reza Esmaeili Shazandi
Volume 17, Issue 40 , September 2018, , Pages 27-42
This study is to provide a basis at the country level for previous research by determining and analyzing motives among Iranian elders of males and females to participate in physical activities. This study is a descriptive-analytical research conducted as a field study. 1028 elderly (506 females and ...
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This study is to provide a basis at the country level for previous research by determining and analyzing motives among Iranian elders of males and females to participate in physical activities. This study is a descriptive-analytical research conducted as a field study. 1028 elderly (506 females and 522 males) were selected from 15 different cities by single-stage cluster sampling. Sharkey personal data questionnaire (1997) and Kirkby standard questionnaire (PMQOA) were used to measure sport activity and determine elders’ motives. T-test was used to compare the groups. Data was analyzed by SPSS software version 16 and data were analyzed at significant level of p <0/05. Collected data determining elders’ physical activity of males and females have shown significance. Also involvement and Medical motives have shown significant difference. The elderly females made these factors more important than elderly males. Involvement and Medical motives are more important for females than males and the amount of participation of the elderly men were higher in physical activities than in the elderly women. Based on PMQOA questioner, elders stated maintaining health and fitness, keeping calm, back pain prevention, being outdoor and learning new skills as the most important factors motivating them to participate in physical activities.