Masoud Ranjbar; Hossein AkbariYazdi; Ali Reza Elahi
Volume 19, Issue 48 , September 2020, , Pages 137-150
In recent decades, the sport organizations have recognized the importance of consumer behavior and therefore the attention to some variables that might be affective on behavioral intentions and satisfaction of customers, increasingly became more important. Using SEM, the study is to determine the causal ...
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In recent decades, the sport organizations have recognized the importance of consumer behavior and therefore the attention to some variables that might be affective on behavioral intentions and satisfaction of customers, increasingly became more important. Using SEM, the study is to determine the causal relationship between spectators’ Team Identity with their satisfaction and behavioral intentions. To collect the data, these questionnaires were used after confirming their validity and reliability: team identity (Trail and James, 2001); behavioral intentions (Youshida and James, 2010) and overall satisfaction (Oliver, 1980). Statistical population were all spectators of Tabriz Tractor Sazi football team in Yadegar-e-Emam Stadium and regarding to Cochran formula for determining the samples number, 289 persons were participated and selected using un accidental and volunteer sampling. The research method was descriptive and for data analyzing the descriptive statistic, correlation tests and SEM were used. The findings of track analysis showed that team identity of spectators is of impact on their behavioral intentions and satisfaction of them (B=0/69, 0/45). Regarding to the findings, we can present strategies for reinforcing the team identity of spectators and because of mediating role of perceived quality, we can say that managers should focus on developing the quality of service in stadiums.
Hossain Zareian; Alireza Elahi; Sajadi Seyyed Nasrollah; Amin Ghazi Zahedi
Volume 14, Issue 30 , August 2016, , Pages 37-54
The aim of the study was prediction of countries’ success that participating in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro with intelligent method of MLP. This study was conducted on two qualitative (setting indices) and quantitative (collecting data from selected countries) steps. In the first phase, ...
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The aim of the study was prediction of countries’ success that participating in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro with intelligent method of MLP. This study was conducted on two qualitative (setting indices) and quantitative (collecting data from selected countries) steps. In the first phase, non-randomly and purposeful procedure, semi-structured qualitative and depth interviews was conducted with 28 elites that were aware of the issue of study up to theoretical saturation. After identification of indexes, Information of selected indicators (22 Indexes political, economic, social, cultural, technological and sporting as Theoretical Model (PEST+S)) was collected for 42 selected countries, in 40-years period, since 1976 Montreal Olympics to 2012 London. On the next step, from test of the conceptual model of multilayer perceptron networks (MLP) were used in comparison the actual values of Iran’s 22 indexes with predicted values in 2012. The results showed, in comparison the actual values with predicted values in 2012, the MLP has small errors in predicting of indices. Also, comparison of actual rank and predicted rank of 42 selected countries in 2012, MLP method had less Mean absolute error rate (0.4629). In final step, indices were estimated and rank of selected countries was predicted in Rio de Janeiro (2016). According to research results, Countries United States of America, China and the Great Britain will be in the first to third places, in 2016 Olympic Games. Also, Islamic Republic of Iran will be in 21st place among participating teams. Generally, using of Neural Networks Model, Iranian sport Policymaker’s can use identified indices to planning for successful participation in the Olympic Games.