Davood NooriNoori; Bahram Ghadimi; Mohammad Ali Aslankhani; Zahra Ali Pourdarvish
Volume 18, Issue 45 , December 2019, , Pages 185-204
In the last century, football has become a major player in cultural, social, economic and, more importantly, political and international exchanges. As this sport affects beliefs, attitudes and practices, and as one of the factors contributing to the formation of internal and external policies and relationships, ...
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In the last century, football has become a major player in cultural, social, economic and, more importantly, political and international exchanges. As this sport affects beliefs, attitudes and practices, and as one of the factors contributing to the formation of internal and external policies and relationships, it can carry out numerous social, economic, cultural and diplomatic functions and has made a lot of change in countries. As a result, sports and sport activities have gone beyond physical activity or entertainment, and have achieved various social, cultural, economic, political and international goals and functions. Analysis of theories and research found that among the various phenomena, football as one of the examples of relations between countries has been able to place a special place among the programs of developing countries to express their own society demands to the world. The political, social, economic, and cultural functions of football, and its effects and effects on the level of interactions between states and others, international actors, have the potential to be theorized and conceptualized. Based on the findings of this study, the specifics and functions of football diplomacy can be seen as strengthening national identity as a means of development, peace and reconciliation tools, a tool for altruism and improving relations, a soft power tool, a tool for convergence and dialogue in the national and international dimension of countries. This article is based on descriptive-analytical method and the method of data collection is based on documentary and library and comparative study.
Davood Noori; Bahram Ghadimi; Masoumeh Shojae
Volume 17, Issue 41 , December 2018, , Pages 113-136
The study is to design a model of football diplomacy in Iran, which is based on the Grounded Theory and through interviews with 23 managers, experts, faculty members, legislators and diplomats and media practitioners who use the Snowball method and selection of experts with maximum oscillation was done. ...
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The study is to design a model of football diplomacy in Iran, which is based on the Grounded Theory and through interviews with 23 managers, experts, faculty members, legislators and diplomats and media practitioners who use the Snowball method and selection of experts with maximum oscillation was done. The data were analyzed through three open, axial, and selective coding steps through Nvivo 10 software. The findings, in three stages of coding, identified and categorized the main and secondary categories of football diplomacy: the causal conditions (football nature, structural factors, cultural policies, international politics, Management policies, media policies, professional sport policies); background conditions (economic factors, factors related to government and politics, cultural and social factors, measurement criteria and policies related to FIFA); strategies (international actions, structural actions, cultural and social actions, actions related to expedition teams, business and economic actions), and consequences (dignity and prestige International, development of peace and friendship, isolationism, national identity and convergence, and development of sport tourism, power generation and upgrading of skills). Finally, the paradigm and theoretical model of football diplomacy were formed, As a result of football diplomacy in Iran, according to Progressive constraints that have been affected by different conditions are far from reaching the desired and expected status. Therefore, the application of some strategies will be effective in achieving the desired situation and can somewhat have the desired outcomes for diplomacy.