masoud farahani tajar; mahdi naderi nasab; Hossein Kalhor
The aim of this research was to design a model for human resource efficiency in the Federation of Deaf Sports using a combined approach of fuzzy Delphi and interpretive structural modeling. The research method was mixed (qualitative and quantitative). The participants of this research were managers and ...
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The aim of this research was to design a model for human resource efficiency in the Federation of Deaf Sports using a combined approach of fuzzy Delphi and interpretive structural modeling. The research method was mixed (qualitative and quantitative). The participants of this research were managers and officials of the committees of the Federation of Deaf Sports of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as experts in deaf sports, including coaches, referees, and athletes. The selection of these individuals was purposeful, and 18 of them were selected based on criteria such as expertise, experience, representation, diversity, and collaboration capability. The data collection tools were a 41-item questionnaire and a 17×17 square matrix, which had been validated and proven reliable. Fuzzy Delphi and subsequently interpretive structural modeling were used for data analysis. It is worth mentioning that for the implementation of these analyses, Microsoft Excel and the web-based software SmartISM were used accordingly. The findings demonstrated 17 determining factors related to human resource efficiency in the Federation of Deaf Sports. Based on interpretive structural analysis, the relationships between these factors were classified into 5 levels, and a hierarchical relationship model was established, indicating that the fundamental factors in optimizing human resources in the Federation of Deaf Sports are the fit of authority-responsibility and organizational culture, which ultimately affect the individual's perception of their role at the highest level. Therefore, in planning for the optimization of human resources in the Federation of Deaf Sports,
Masoud Farahani Tajar; Frough Fattahi Masroor; Habib Honari
Volume 18, Issue 46 , March 2020, , Pages 99-122
The study is to develop a strategic and operational program for the Deaf Sports Federation in Islamic Republic of Iran. The statistical population of the study was the officials and managers of the Deaf Sports Federation, the heads of the provincial councils, the members of the Deaf Sports Council, and ...
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The study is to develop a strategic and operational program for the Deaf Sports Federation in Islamic Republic of Iran. The statistical population of the study was the officials and managers of the Deaf Sports Federation, the heads of the provincial councils, the members of the Deaf Sports Council, and the trainers of the national deaf teams, as well as a group of experts (N = 142). The statistical samples were chosen according to the total number of the society and its classes. Because of their low number, the total number method was used. In order to collect the information, this research was designed using the background and documentation, theoretical foundations, literature, books, articles and theses, consulting and reviewing the views and opinions of experts, and the formation of a strategic committee of an open questionnaire. Then, according to the information obtained from the open questionnaire completed by the elites and members of the Strategic Council, the study of theoretical and literature foundations and the research background, a closed questionnaire including strength, disadvantage, opportunity and threat was extracted. A questionnaire consisting of 28 items based on the 5 Likert spectrum was developed and presented to the sample for ranking the items in this questionnaire. The questionnaire was verified according to some professors and experts, and its reliability was also obtained by Cronbach's alpha of %89. The results of the internal factors evaluation matrix showed that the total score of this matrix was more than 2.5. Also, the results of the external factors evaluation matrix showed that the total score of this matrix was less than 2.5. The internal and external forces of the Deaf Sport Federation in Islamic Republic of Iran are potentially threatening and competing in the area. Finally, following the SWAT analysis, the strategies of the Deaf Sport Federation were extracted, resulting in the selection of 15 strategies. In the final stage, the strategies derived from the QSPM matrix were ranked.