Ali Asghar Doroudian; Masoumeh Shahbazi; Moosa Akbari
The purpose of the present study was to identify and prioritize the factors affecting crisis management in sport venues (Case Study: Azadi One hundred thousand stadium), which is a qualitative and quantitative research using paired comparisons. The statistical population of this research is divided into ...
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The purpose of the present study was to identify and prioritize the factors affecting crisis management in sport venues (Case Study: Azadi One hundred thousand stadium), which is a qualitative and quantitative research using paired comparisons. The statistical population of this research is divided into two parts: qualitative and quantitative, managers and experts and experts in the field of crisis management of sports places in the qualitative sector (Delphi method) and in the quantitative part were managers and sports executives of Azadi University and university professors. For data collection, the theoretical and research, the library method and Questionnaire was used. Analysis of all questionnaires was done in order to calculate inconsistency rate of all paired comparisons and among all questionnaires were used to rank criteria. In this research, identification of factors by Delphi method was performed and then identified factors were prioritized by using AHP method. The results showed that effective factors in crisis management included revision of existing rules (4 attributes), funding needed (3 attributes), utilization of specialist force (4 attributes), training and education ( 3 features), utilization of standard equipment and facilities (5 features) and safety and health resources (5 features), which ultimately prioritized overall change and revised existing rules in the first place.