Abolfazl Farahani; Hamid Ghasemi; Saeed Hassani
Volume 17, Issue 42 , March 2019, , Pages 33-52
Sports organizations are secret forces to help the government develop sports for all and help promotion of community health. These organizations are volunteers, independent of the government, and at the same time non-profit, serve the people, and therefore they can be called the voices of the people. ...
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Sports organizations are secret forces to help the government develop sports for all and help promotion of community health. These organizations are volunteers, independent of the government, and at the same time non-profit, serve the people, and therefore they can be called the voices of the people. NGOs are the hallmark of the participation of various people, and participation in sport for all is one of the main drivers of health promotion in society. In the same vein, this research has been conducted with a view to reviewing effective ways of contributing to the participation of NGOs in the sports sector for all, in line with the government's policy on health. The research method was qualitative and exploratory. The statistical population of this study was made up of all people with specialization in the field of public sports and sports organizations that had precedents in this field. Samples were selected through snowball sampling method and interviewed with 18 specimens until reaching theoretical saturation. The validity of the interviews was calculated by examining the form and content of the questions and the reliability of the instrument through the open test method and the reliability coefficient of the interviews was 83%. To analyze the data obtained from the interviews, open source, axial and selective codings were used. The results showed selective coding: structural and organizational factors, behavioral factors (individual and group), and environmental factors contributing to the participation of NGOs in the sports sector for all, were effective in terms of the government's state-of-the-art health policy.