Rozita Ahmadi; Mehdi Naderi Nasab; Nima Majidi
This research has been conducted with the aim of designing and compiling the strategic plan of the strategic plan of sports medicine tourism in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this study, after studying the documents, information was collected from sports medicine tourism experts and sports management. ...
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This research has been conducted with the aim of designing and compiling the strategic plan of the strategic plan of sports medicine tourism in the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this study, after studying the documents, information was collected from sports medicine tourism experts and sports management. Sampling was performed by the whole method, which was 112 people. The results showed that the country's sports medicine tourism industry has 10 strengths, 14 weaknesses, 10 opportunities and 12 threats in various fields, for each of which the Friedman test was used at the level of p <0.05. The matrix of internal factors of the sports medicine tourism industry showed that the total score of the matrix is 2.927, which shows the strength of the weaknesses of the sports medicine tourism industry in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Also, the matrix of external factors in the sports medicine tourism industry showed that the total score of the external matrix is 1.573, which indicates the dominance of threats on environmental opportunities in this industry. The general conclusion is that the analysis of internal and external matrix shows that the sports medicine tourism industry of the Islamic Republic of Iran is strategically located in the ST position and in other words it can be said that due to the dominance of forces over the weaknesses and capabilities of the sports medicine tourism industry. The country is also the best option for the growth and development of this industry, as well as the effort to overcome the anticipated threats, the adoption of competitive strategies; And it should be noted that the implementation of this strategy is based on the ability of committed and expert human resources is the key to the country's success in this area.
Alireza Khosravi; Mehdi Naderi Nasab; nima majedi; seyed Abbas biniaz
The aim of this study was to present an interpretive structural model of the factors influencing the branding of national team athletes. The research method employed was mixed-methods. The study's population consisted of experts in the field (including branding consultants, branding practitioners, branding ...
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The aim of this study was to present an interpretive structural model of the factors influencing the branding of national team athletes. The research method employed was mixed-methods. The study's population consisted of experts in the field (including branding consultants, branding practitioners, branding experts, and university professors specializing in sports marketing and branding). The selection criterion for the experts in the qualitative section was theoretical saturation, and 19 individuals were selected using purposive sampling and the snowball strategy. These identified individuals were then used for the interpretive structural analysis in the quantitative section. Data collection tools included semi-structured interviews in the qualitative section and a 13×13 square matrix in the quantitative section. To ensure validity and reliability of the results, strategies such as credibility, transferability, confirmability, process audit study, and inter-coder agreement were employed. The qualitative data analysis was conducted in two stages: initial coding and focused coding, while the quantitative data analysis was performed using interpretive structural modeling (ISM) and MICMAC analysis. The findings revealed 13 determining factors related to the branding of national team athletes. Based on the interpretive structural analysis, the relationships between the factors were categorized into five levels, resulting in a hierarchical relational model. The results indicate that media attractiveness leads to the personal branding of national team athletes, and these athletes need to enhance their level of socialization through lower-level variables in the hierarchy before reaching this stage.
zahra barzegar yazdi; nima majedi; mehdi naderi nasab
The aim of this study was to design a model of women's consumption pattern in the field of sports goods. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part includes 15 experts (including experts and specialists in the fields of management, marketing and sports management) and in the quantitative ...
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The aim of this study was to design a model of women's consumption pattern in the field of sports goods. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part includes 15 experts (including experts and specialists in the fields of management, marketing and sports management) and in the quantitative part includes all female athletes in Qazvin province, which according to statistics is 5710 people. Finally, 360 people were selected as the available sample. The data collection tool in the present study was a semi-structured in-depth interview with experts and in a small stage of the survey and field method using a researcher-made questionnaire. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis tests were used for quantitative analysis. Spss23 and Pls software were used to analyze the data. Findings showed that the research model has 5 dimensions (individual, cultural, social, psychological and marketing mix) and 23 indicators that the factor load of all dimensions and components and their indicators is more than 0.3 and is acceptable. Finally, consumer behavior has different roles: the consumer can play at least each of the three influential roles, the buyer and the consumer, at different times.
Behnaz Khayyat; fariba mohamadian; Nima Majedi
In recent years, women have turned to self-employment and entrepreneurial processes in sports. Therefore, the study is to analyze the factors that promote and inhibit the development of women's sports entrepreneurship in Iran. It was applied in terms of research purpose and mixed in terms of implementation. ...
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In recent years, women have turned to self-employment and entrepreneurial processes in sports. Therefore, the study is to analyze the factors that promote and inhibit the development of women's sports entrepreneurship in Iran. It was applied in terms of research purpose and mixed in terms of implementation. First, in order to identify the factors promoting and inhibiting the development of women's sports entrepreneurship, theoretical foundations were studied and interviews with experts were conducted. After making the questionnaire using the identified factors and confirming the validity of form and content, they were distributed among the statistical population. The statistical population included all women active in sports entrepreneurs and owners of sports businesses who were chosen by available sampling method and answered the questionnaire electronically. A total of 273 questionnaires were returned. The exploratory factor analysis test was used to identify components and items and structural equation modeling test was used to evaluate factor analysis of the research conceptual model.
A total of 4 driving factors in the form of 23 items (supportive, social, individual and technological factors) and 6 deterrents in the form of 31 items (cultural factors, entrepreneurial spirit, educational support, financial, economic, political, legal and structural) were identified and the conceptual model of the research was confirmed.
It was concluded that in order to improve and develop women's sports entrepreneurship in the country, paying attention to the factors that improve the way to reach the first priority and the factors that slow down the path to improvement should be the second priority. Finally, a few suggestions to get out of this damage were presented.
Saeideh Razavi; Nima Majedi; Fariba Mohammadian
Volume 19, Issue 47 , June 2020, , Pages 223-246
The research is to analysis of the effect of virtual communication networks’ role on attitude and sport participation of Tehran citizens.
The methodology is correlative-descriptive. The statistical society is Tehran citizens who participate in the all sport events in 1396 year. The sample based ...
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The research is to analysis of the effect of virtual communication networks’ role on attitude and sport participation of Tehran citizens.
The methodology is correlative-descriptive. The statistical society is Tehran citizens who participate in the all sport events in 1396 year. The sample based on the Morgan table is 384 persons that are selected randomly. The main tool of the research includes 3 researcher made questionnaire, media roles, sport attitude and sport participation. Validity and reliability of tools based on the experts’ view, kronbach alpha and desired model measuring indexes were measured. Smart pls modeling software was used for analyzing and testing the hypothesis.
Findings show that the media roles have a direct positive and meaningful impact on sport participation and sport attitude. Sport attitude has a direct positive and significant impact on sport participation. In indirect relation it was clear that 62 percent of all media role on sport attitude is predicted by mediating variable anticipated attitude to sport.
Based on the findings we can say that the indirect impact of media is very much than its indirect impact on sport participation and media without attitude change capability in their content cannot affect very significantly. Thus, it is required that all sport organizations in Tehran produce and manage their media content according to the various visions, requirements and sport interests of citizen.