mohammad Mahdi soltani; Hossein Alimohammadi; Hamid Froghi Por
The present study was designed to present a model of intellectual development in Iranian sport. The present study was a mixed type study that was conducted qualitatively and quantitatively. The statistical population consisted of the elite of sport management and intellectual property elite in the country. ...
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The present study was designed to present a model of intellectual development in Iranian sport. The present study was a mixed type study that was conducted qualitatively and quantitatively. The statistical population consisted of the elite of sport management and intellectual property elite in the country. Twelve individuals were identified as the research sample using snowball sampling. In the quantitative section, the statistical population included researchers and inventors in the field of sport, 210 of whom were selected using available sampling method and according to Morgan table, 132 individuals were selected as the sample. The research instrument consisted of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Coding according to the Strauss and Corbin paradigm model was used to evaluate the qualitative data and the structural equation method was used in the quantitative part. Data analysis was performed in SPSS 20 and Smart PLS 2 software. The results of the present study showed that there are some causal, contextual, interventional conditions, consequences, and strategies for developing intellectual governance in sport. The results of this study also showed that the research model has a good fit. In general, the development of intellectual sovereignty needs to address certain issues related to government, the media, and profitable individuals, while considering laws, structural, cultural and social conditions. In the meantime, the present study has shown that improving social responsibility, central justice and controlling theft plays an important role in the development of intellectual governance in sport.
Mohsen Mahmoodi; Hamid Foroughi Pour; Najaf Aghaei; Mohammad Nikravan
Volume 20, Issue 52 , September 2021, , Pages 189-204
The study is to determine the causal relationship between market orientation and customer loyalty in terms of the mediating role of service quality in Tehran's fitness clubs. The method of this research was correlation-survey and was a type of applied research that was carried out in the field. The statistical ...
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The study is to determine the causal relationship between market orientation and customer loyalty in terms of the mediating role of service quality in Tehran's fitness clubs. The method of this research was correlation-survey and was a type of applied research that was carried out in the field. The statistical population included all the people who visited the sports clubs of Tehran. According to Morgan table and random sampling, 384 people were selected as the sample of the study. Data were collected by Alper & Associates (2006), Kuw and Kwan Quality of Service Questionnaire (2006) and Dehdashti et al. Customer Loyalty Questionnaire (2012). These questionnaires were approved in terms of formal and content validity. Using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, the reliability of the questionnaire was 0/83, the service quality questionnaire was 0/79 and customer loyalty was 0/88. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics such as table, graph, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics of slip and elongation test, Pearson correlation coefficient and structural equation model were used.
The results showed that the customer orientation component had a direct and indirect relationship with customer loyalty through the quality of service intermediary variable. Also, this component was significant between the competitor's tendency toward customer loyalty directly and indirectly through the quality of service mediation variable. The component of the market environment was directly and indirectly related through the mediating variable of service quality with customer loyalty.
Based on the results of the structural equation model, the main model of the research was fitted out and service quality as an intermediary variable was able to mediate between market orientation and customer loyalty, which attracted the effects of market orientation and then transferred it to customer loyalty.
Pouria Baharan; Hamid Foroughi Pour; Najaf Aghaei
Volume 20, Issue 51 , June 2021, , Pages 255-272
The research is to design a model for developing sports tourism with emphasis on natural factors in Lorestan Province. The research method was a descriptive- survey based on structural equation modeling and in terms of purpose was applied research that was conducted in the field. In this study, after ...
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The research is to design a model for developing sports tourism with emphasis on natural factors in Lorestan Province. The research method was a descriptive- survey based on structural equation modeling and in terms of purpose was applied research that was conducted in the field. In this study, after determining the research model, all tourists in lorestan province were selected as the population and according to the Cochran formula and cluster sampling, method 384 people were selected as the research samples. Data collection tools in this study were based on experts ' opinions including 4 dimensions. The natural factors studied in this study include infrastructure, natural attractions, ecology and proper sport activity with the nature of lorestan province. In terms of formal validity and content validity, professors and experts approved the questionnaires. Using cronbach's alpha coefficient the reliability, the construction dimensions was 0/96, natural attractions were 0/95, ecology was 0/90 and sports activity was 0/95
To analyze the data, table of descriptive statistics, chart, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics, skewness and kurtosis, and Swara and structural equation model were used.
The results obtained from T-test showed that the natural factors investigated in this study were respectively infrastructure (23/862), natural attractions (20/928), ecology (27/907), and appropriate sport activity with the nature of Lorestan Province (22/374) Which are of a significant effect on the development of sport tourism in lorestan province. In coclusion, authorities must draw their attention to all of the natural factors’ variables in order to desighn developing tourism model.