Mansoureh Azam Azadeh; Maryam Ghazi Nejad; Maryam Ghazi Nejad
Volume 18, Issue 46 , March 2020, , Pages 195-220
Marriage as a way of forming a family has always been the focus of cultures and societies. In recent decades, the pattern of marriage has undergone many changes. Singleness and delay in marriage are important changes in this regard. In our country, the delay in getting married and staying single has ...
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Marriage as a way of forming a family has always been the focus of cultures and societies. In recent decades, the pattern of marriage has undergone many changes. Singleness and delay in marriage are important changes in this regard. In our country, the delay in getting married and staying single has been an increasing trend over the years too. The study is to investigate the probability of occurrence and sensitivity analysis of singleness drivers in Iran 1414. Using the drivers of singleness in Iran, assumptions were made for the future of singleness. The assumptions were matrixed by experts to comment on their probability of occurrence. Data were analyzed by Smic-Prob Expert software. The probability of the six hypotheses being plotted was obtained. The assumption of “the increasing influence of mass media and social networks on changing youth attitudes” has the highest chance of occurring. Probability of potential scenarios showed that a future in which all assumptions occur, has the highest probability of occurrence. The results of the sensitivity analysis also showed that the assumption of the influence of the mass media has the highest effect on other assumptions. This analysis showed the importance of this assumption and revealed the need for special attention to it in planning and policy making.
Maryam Ghazinejad; Kiana Kalhour; Fatemeh Rahnama
Volume 14, Issue 29 , December 2015, , Pages 49-76
Opening the "population window" by young people born in 1980s (baby boom) in Iran, as an transitional and changing society over the last decades, has resulted challenges for youth welfare and national development, instead of golden opportunity to benefit them, due to lack of earlier and long term planning ...
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Opening the "population window" by young people born in 1980s (baby boom) in Iran, as an transitional and changing society over the last decades, has resulted challenges for youth welfare and national development, instead of golden opportunity to benefit them, due to lack of earlier and long term planning and policies to support the young generation's needs in life cycle (from childhood to adults). In this context, measurement and providing a comprehensive image of youth situation in Iran, through the new and rights - centered approach named "Social Exclusion/Inclusion" can be useful, as it reveals knowing and assessing youth socio-economic condition and difficulties, moreover, can suggest to policy makers relevant social policies affecting youth affairs. This paper aims to operationalize and apply "social exclusion" to measure Iranian youth deprivations and insufficient social inclusion/integration in social system as objectively and subjectively. Objective social exclusion is operationalized in 3 dimensions: 1- material deprivations 2- lack of basic social rights 3- lack of socio-cultural integration . Subjective social exclusion has been extracted from the gap between youth's expectations and real life. This study is a descriptive- explanatory national survey over years 2012 - 2014. The population consisted of 15-29 years old youths. Using the multi-stage cluster sampling method, 4522 participants were selected from 12 provinces .They received the standard - localized questionnaire. Findings revel that near the half of youth(45%) participants have been suffering objective social exclusion (mean score 34 in a 0-100 grading scale ) over their life course & mean score for subjective social exclusion was about 2 times (68.7%) higher than objective one. Therefore, about half of them (49.2%) had the hard sense of subjective exclusion. Observed differences in levels and dimensions of social exclusion between youths in different groups have been analyzed.
Maryam Ghazinejad; Farideh Vahid Fazel
Volume 12, Issue 22 , April 2014, , Pages 115-132
Today, social wellbeing is regarded as one of the important foundations in individual health which as gauge of human and social development is one of the major elements for arguing in scientific assemblies and forums and in the world policy making. Social wellbeing defines as the assessment of the one's ...
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Today, social wellbeing is regarded as one of the important foundations in individual health which as gauge of human and social development is one of the major elements for arguing in scientific assemblies and forums and in the world policy making. Social wellbeing defines as the assessment of the one's relationship with others, fellows and his/her community around and as such it can be considered as an important measure of life quality. Lacking an instinctive research of this in Iran, and considering the results of some related studies which have shown that Iranian youth are not socially health, the present study has been done in order to evaluate the aspects and causes of youth social health and identify the effective social factors in this regard. This study has been done according to a valid statistical sample consists of 350 Tehrani participants in the range of 15- 29 years old by using survey as the research method and the questionnaire as the technique. In order to evaluate social wellbeing, we have used Keyes concept model which has considered five aspects of social health that are operated in personal level and are based on a health oriented approach in a broad factor analysis. In completing Keyes conceptual model and explaining our intended issue, we have used Ahuvia ideas. As a conclusion there was an inverse significant relation between one's values with his/her community around and his/her social wellbeing.
Maryam Ghazinejad
Volume 12, Issue 19 , April 2013, , Pages 49-80
This paper is adopted from a survey on the social exclusion of the youths in iran aiming to study the theoretical literature of the subject and to assess the amount and dimensions of the social exclusion and its margins. The survey was administrated on a sample including 1200subjecrs. The modern comcept ...
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This paper is adopted from a survey on the social exclusion of the youths in iran aiming to study the theoretical literature of the subject and to assess the amount and dimensions of the social exclusion and its margins. The survey was administrated on a sample including 1200subjecrs. The modern comcept of the social exclusion has created a tesearch framework in the field of inequality, poverty and social deprivation. Based on the mentioned framework, the visible and invisible dimensions of the social exclusion of the at-risk groups includiong youths will be assessed in a wider scope and in more systematic and moresystematic and more precise way. In the social exclusion context, the excluded groups and regiojs are marginalized and excluded from ghe mainstream of the distribution of resources and social opportunities based on some (different) specific comditiom of resources and social opportunities based on some (different) specific comditions, events, and charaterisdes in an accumulative and chronic way, so that their release from such a situation (i.e. from the exclusion trap) will be a trans- personal issue requiring corrective activities and combinational interventions ar sustemic and social level. The fimdings and results of this research are presemted in a descriptive and an analytic part in the paper. The memtioned findings and resulrs show that approximarely half of the teemagers and youths of ghe study (including goth boys and girls) of tehran and irs margins stand at the risk of being marginalized and socioally excluded in most part of their youth ace (15-29 years old). This risk for the mouoned population sis higher than average and currently the suedied population live in the situation of objective and subieetive chronic multiple limitations. The range of the subjective exdlusion ……………….. more than the objective exclusion. There is no sigmificant ralarionship between the mentioned indea and the risk vattables (mcluding the gender and the residence of the respondents) except tor the variable of the age which shos a signicant relationship with the subjective ecelusion. In contrasl, the objective exclusion has a significant relationship with the age and residence, though it has significant telationship with the varable of the gender.