Mandana Rasouli; Sadjadi Seyyed Nasrollah; Nasrin Mosaffa; Nazanin Rasekh
Volume 20, Issue 51 , June 2021, , Pages 97-112
The study is to identify the factors that influence on the sport international relations in Iran, in view of Good Governance principles. The data collection method in this research was descriptive which was conducted as a field work in major domain of the two main national sport governing system, namely ...
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The study is to identify the factors that influence on the sport international relations in Iran, in view of Good Governance principles. The data collection method in this research was descriptive which was conducted as a field work in major domain of the two main national sport governing system, namely the Ministry of Sport and Youth (as the public sector) and Iranian National Olympic Committee (as the non-governmental sector). In addition, the present study was an applied cross-sectional survey in terms of time and nature of research method. The research method was mixed, using Delphi technique and confirmatory factor analysis “CFA”. The statistical population consisted of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, as the public governmental sector and Iranian National Olympic Committee as the non-governmental sector. Sampling was done in both sections in total, and finally 150 correct, full-completed questionnaires were analyzed. The research tools included review of documents, semi-structured interviews, and a researcher-made questionnaire based on the "Global Basic Principles of Good Governance in the Olympics and Sports Organizations" provided by the IOC (2008). The validity and reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed through the related tests (Lawshe method, Cronbach’s Alpha) by experts. After data collection, they were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods by SPSS21 and PLS version 3 statistical packages.
The results showed the model fit indices have acceptable and desirable value and the research model is confirmed (RMSEA=0/069 and CFI=0/918). The highest factor loadings were related to “integrity and independency” (λ=0/866), then Transparency (λ=0/850), responsibility (λ=0/793), Discipline (λ=0/781), Accountability (λ=0/709), Rule of law (λ=0/651), and Participation and Democracy (λ= 0/613). The present results may help the national sport system to find the priorities of International Relations based upon the G.G factors to prevent the loss of tangible and intangible assets in this area.
Maryam Monazami; Seyyed Nasrollah Sadjadi; Hossein Rajabi; Majid Jalali Farahani
Volume 16, Issue 35 , June 2017, , Pages 155-178
The study is to model effective factors on women's managerial development in sport, Iran. The research population consisted of 506 commissioners, including 253 managers and 253 experts of sport management of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this study, all members of the community ...
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The study is to model effective factors on women's managerial development in sport, Iran. The research population consisted of 506 commissioners, including 253 managers and 253 experts of sport management of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this study, all members of the community were selected as sample. From 506 persons in the target population, 407 persons (183 managers and 223 experts) completed the considered questionnaires for the research. Therefore, they were selected as sample. The research method was descriptive, survey type that its data was collected using questionnaires and field studies. Data collection tools for the present research included Demetrius Questionnaire (2006) on examining the attitude to employ women in sport and the researcher-made questionnaire to determine factors affecting advancement of women in managerial positions in sport, the Islamic Republic of Iran. The content validity and construct validity were used to validate both questionnaires; while their reliability was measured using the Cronbach's Alpha. The research findings showed that organizational, cultural, professional, family and personality factors affect managerial development of women in sport and the model of factors affecting managerial development of women in sport has a proper goodness of fit. Other results of the research showed a desirable attitude of sport management experts of the country toward employing women in sport fields of Iran.