mohammad fateminia; ghobad kazemi; satar parvin
Many crimes that occur in society are not usually reflected in the formal statistics. Influenced by several factors, victims of crime mainly are not willing to report the crime to authorities relevant in this regard. Victim surveys are a good way to accurately estimate the incidence of crime.This study ...
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Many crimes that occur in society are not usually reflected in the formal statistics. Influenced by several factors, victims of crime mainly are not willing to report the crime to authorities relevant in this regard. Victim surveys are a good way to accurately estimate the incidence of crime.This study is to provide a more accurate estimation of the crime rates through conducting a victimology survey among students of Allameh Tabataba’i University. The research sample is 400 undergraduates, graduate and doctoral students.The findings showed that about 37% of students have been victimized at least once in the past year and only 22% of them reported the crime to the formal authorities. Also, the highest crime rates are related to streets, public transportation and cyberspace. Only 14% of crimes are occurred on university campus. The results of the study can help to understand the victimization of students and develop legal, psychological and social support programs for them.
Sattar parvin; Behzad Khedri; Ghobad Kazemi
Volume 18, Issue 46 , March 2020, , Pages 221-246
One of the most important threats to the security of the various classes of the society is the occurrence of crimes within the community, which bring to victims a variety of psychological, economic and social consequences. The research examine the victimization of juvenile among students according to ...
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One of the most important threats to the security of the various classes of the society is the occurrence of crimes within the community, which bring to victims a variety of psychological, economic and social consequences. The research examine the victimization of juvenile among students according to the context and of the problem. Therefore, the study is to understand and interpret the victimization process.
The statistical population was all three graded students who studied at Allameh Tabatabai University in the academic year of 2018-2019. The sampling method was purposeful and the sample size equals to 30 students. The research method was qualitative and the data were collected by using semi-structured interview and analyzed with the technique of thematic. The results showed that the robbery is more prevalence than any other crime. As well as, most victims have been victimized in the late hours of the day and at night. Most of the victims believed they prefer to deal with the case in a personal way, which would prefer personalized face-to-face strategies. It means, they more utilize problem-solving skills than structural encounters and referral to judge institutions. Victims have been confronted three stages of thinking, feeling and experiencing, in the victimization process. Also, the most important consequences of victimization were including: the erosion of social norms, psychological distress, and self-reproach, and insanity, loss of capital and economic issues.
Ghobad Kazemi; Sattar Parvin
Volume 18, Issue 43 , June 2019, , Pages 53-70
Migration is one of the important social problems in Tehran. The article is to study negative effects of urban ecology on seasonal migrant youth’s tendency to crime and high risk behavior in Tehran. The theory framework is based on urban ecology of Chicago school and the research method is survey ...
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Migration is one of the important social problems in Tehran. The article is to study negative effects of urban ecology on seasonal migrant youth’s tendency to crime and high risk behavior in Tehran. The theory framework is based on urban ecology of Chicago school and the research method is survey (questionnaire). Statistical population is all seasonal migrant youth that are living in Tehran temporarily. The descriptive findings showed that smoking, hookah and addiction are more common among seasonal migrant youth. According to the results, the differential association and social alienation with a correlation coefficient of 0/676 and 0/593 are of the strongest relation with the degree of vulnerability of seasonal migrant youth. The regression results indicated that independent variables explain 62 percent of the variance of dependent variable as tendency of seasonal migrant workers to crime and high risk behavior. The findings of this research can be effective in reducing the crimes of migrant youth.
Sattar Parvin; Esmayil Abbasi Zaghe
Volume 16, Issue 37 , December 2017, , Pages 43-60
The purpose of this study was to examine the social factor affecting high-risk behaviors. For this purpose, a theoretical framework based on the ideas of Agniou general pressure, Sutherland Differential affiliation, Hirschi and Gadferson Social inhibition has been used. the statistical population of ...
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The purpose of this study was to examine the social factor affecting high-risk behaviors. For this purpose, a theoretical framework based on the ideas of Agniou general pressure, Sutherland Differential affiliation, Hirschi and Gadferson Social inhibition has been used. the statistical population of this study is all young people aged 15-29 in Sanandaj. A sample of 383 of them was investigated by multi-stage cluster sampling method using the survey method and the results have been analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the hypothesis test and theoretical model of the research are based on Pearson correlation coefficient and path analysis and regression analysis there are meaningful relationships between all three independent variables of research, namely, social pressure, association with people with high risk behavior, and social deterrence and high risk behaviors. And these three variables, based on the regression analysis, explain 41% of the variance of the variable of the level of high-risk behaviors.
Sattar Parvin; Abdolhosein Kalantari; Maryam Davoodi
Volume 13, Issue 26 , April 2015, , Pages 151-170
The present article is to study social pathologies and risky behavior among the students and its social factors. The method of research is survey. The study’s theoretical framework is the combination of social strain and social adjustment theories .A sample of 300 students living in private dormitories ...
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The present article is to study social pathologies and risky behavior among the students and its social factors. The method of research is survey. The study’s theoretical framework is the combination of social strain and social adjustment theories .A sample of 300 students living in private dormitories of Tehran city was targeted in a questionnaire survey. The results of survey show that social pathologies such as smoking and watching porn sites and videos have the highest prevalence among students. Other findings display social strain and social adjustment has statistically significant relationship with dependent variable. The results of regression analysis shows independent valuables explain 0.10 percent from variation of dependent valuable.