Alireza Zamani Nukaabadi; shahram aroufzad; Rasool Nazari; Ahmadreza Movahedi
The goal of this study was identifying and confirming sport coaching' themes by using mixed method Approach. Participants in qualitative part were twenty sport coaches and athletes whom had specific criteria purposefully for deep interveiews selected. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis method. ...
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The goal of this study was identifying and confirming sport coaching' themes by using mixed method Approach. Participants in qualitative part were twenty sport coaches and athletes whom had specific criteria purposefully for deep interveiews selected. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis method. In a small step, a questionnaire was prepared using qualitative stage data and after obtaining confirmation of the content validity of the experts, it was completed by 380 respondents. The results of the structural equation model confirmed all the themes. The three basic themes included interpersonal, intrapersonal, and contextutal, respectively. Intrapersonal contained management (organizing, employment, direction, planning, evaluation), coaching skills (humanistic-comunicational, technical-instructional, perceptual-leadership, political), coaching behavior (directional-social, supportive-cultural, specific behavior) and social relations (with associates, stockholders, athletes, media). Intrapersonal theme contained characteristics (psychic, ethical, personal), philosophy (artistic thinking, love to coaching, core believes and values), knowledge (transfer knowledge, theoric, practical,), and interest to grow and excellence (continues learning, moral of research, apprentice,). Contextual themes contained play role (model, specialism, teacher), match situation (tactic, strategy, logestic readiness for match, winning), practice situation (instruction of tactic, technic, promot of fitness), and contextual situations (pupose of sport, players, sport environment). The findings showed that in addition to the themes related to the coach, they have many different roles, tasks and activities, so they need like an orchestration, their own knowledge and art to lay the groundwork for the components and use for each specific situation.