Behnaz Khayyat; fariba mohamadian; Nima Majedi
In recent years, women have turned to self-employment and entrepreneurial processes in sports. Therefore, the study is to analyze the factors that promote and inhibit the development of women's sports entrepreneurship in Iran. It was applied in terms of research purpose and mixed in terms of implementation. ...
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In recent years, women have turned to self-employment and entrepreneurial processes in sports. Therefore, the study is to analyze the factors that promote and inhibit the development of women's sports entrepreneurship in Iran. It was applied in terms of research purpose and mixed in terms of implementation. First, in order to identify the factors promoting and inhibiting the development of women's sports entrepreneurship, theoretical foundations were studied and interviews with experts were conducted. After making the questionnaire using the identified factors and confirming the validity of form and content, they were distributed among the statistical population. The statistical population included all women active in sports entrepreneurs and owners of sports businesses who were chosen by available sampling method and answered the questionnaire electronically. A total of 273 questionnaires were returned. The exploratory factor analysis test was used to identify components and items and structural equation modeling test was used to evaluate factor analysis of the research conceptual model.
A total of 4 driving factors in the form of 23 items (supportive, social, individual and technological factors) and 6 deterrents in the form of 31 items (cultural factors, entrepreneurial spirit, educational support, financial, economic, political, legal and structural) were identified and the conceptual model of the research was confirmed.
It was concluded that in order to improve and develop women's sports entrepreneurship in the country, paying attention to the factors that improve the way to reach the first priority and the factors that slow down the path to improvement should be the second priority. Finally, a few suggestions to get out of this damage were presented.