Habibollah Gorbani; Mir Hassan Seyyed Ameri; Mahdi Bashiri
The study is to design and prepare entrepreneurship human resources management system algorithm in Ministry of Sport and Youth, which it implemented with qualitative method and basic- discovering nature according to data-based pattern and constructivist survey. The statistical society included all managers ...
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The study is to design and prepare entrepreneurship human resources management system algorithm in Ministry of Sport and Youth, which it implemented with qualitative method and basic- discovering nature according to data-based pattern and constructivist survey. The statistical society included all managers of sport and Youth ministry, sport and Youth head offices and university masters, who were selected by snowball sampling and based on depth interviews with 28 persons. The data analysis was done in Open Coding, Axial Coding and Selective Coding. Then, the study qualitative model was designed. In this research to design an entrepreneurial human resource management system, 11 main categories and 29 subcategories was identified. 4 causal conditions (organizational capability, value creation and resource-based entrepreneurial human resource, feeling distrustful of traditional human resource management, necessity logistical management), 7 context conditions (positive attitude of managers towards entrepreneurship, threats and opportunities, coordination between HRM strategies with the grand strategies of the Ministry of Sport and Youth, Strengths and weaknesses, Ministry focus on entrepreneurial variables, dynamics and competitiveness of the environment, personality traits and individual factors), 5 intervening conditions(structural barriers, contextual barriers, behavioral barriers, criterion conversion to rationalism, Anti-motivational factors), 4 strategies(redesign the overall organizational structure to be agile and meet the needs of entrepreneurial employees, redesign the structure of human resource management, development of organizational processes to support human resource entrepreneurship, take advantage of identified opportunities and operational plans) were identified in the form of a paradigm model. So, it is proper utilization of human resources in order to create and develop entrepreneurship improves in the Ministry of Sports and Youth, improving the performance of the organization, human resource development and improvement of customers.
Zahra Alam; Mir Hassan Seyyed Ameri; Mohammad Khabiri; Mojtaba Amiri
Volume 19, Issue 48 , September 2020, , Pages 9-28
The study is to investigate the factors affecting the social media marketing of Iran's pro league football clubs. The research method was qualitative and administered by using a grounded theory approach. Data was collected through interviews (n=19) which were conducted with top managers in football and ...
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The study is to investigate the factors affecting the social media marketing of Iran's pro league football clubs. The research method was qualitative and administered by using a grounded theory approach. Data was collected through interviews (n=19) which were conducted with top managers in football and media, faculty members with a focus on sport marketing, marketing and IT executives in league organization, media and marketing executives in football clubs, and social media experts that selected by judgment sampling. The internal validity was confirmed by providing feedback to the interviewees. In order to determine the reliability, Kappa coefficient in both initial and final coding stages were 0/769 and 0/768 respectively. Data were analyzed according to the open, axial and selective coding. The findings indicated that there were 64 effective factors in the marketing of social media marketing. These labels were categorized into nine concepts: structure, football nature, management, social media, communication and information technology, culture and society, legal and legal issues, economics, government and politics, and professional factors related to the sports industry. The Current limitations of social media marketing in football clubs have occurred under various situations. It is far from desired situation. According to the findings, executive strategies are being considered that can lead club managers to develop social media marketing clubs and achieve a desirable situation.