Mohammad Rabiei; Maryam Nejabatian; Malihe Khabbazi
Volume 15, Issue 32 , March 2017, , Pages 171-188
This was a descriptive study that examined the attitudes of youth about establishment of marriage agencies in fiveIranian metropolises: Isfahan, Tabriz, Mashhad, Ahvaz and Shiraz in 1391. The Samples were 1837 young people whose common characteristics were living in these metropolises and being bachelor. ...
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This was a descriptive study that examined the attitudes of youth about establishment of marriage agencies in fiveIranian metropolises: Isfahan, Tabriz, Mashhad, Ahvaz and Shiraz in 1391. The Samples were 1837 young people whose common characteristics were living in these metropolises and being bachelor. They were selected from a society about eight millions people by Morgan and Krejcie’s multi-stage cluster sampling. They were also selected from centers and four geographic points of these cities. Then Participants completed a researcher made 55- item questionnaire .Its Content and formal validity has been confirmed by experts and its reliability was calculated 93% by Cronbach's alpha. The results indicated more than 50% of young people had positive attitude to establishment of these centers. Tabriz youth’s attitudes were more positive than other cities. Also, males had more positive attitudes to establish these centers. More than half of young people believed that the government is responsible to establish marriage agencies to facilitate their marriage. Most youth believed that marriage agencies can help them to find a suitable spouse and could be a good guide as well as could solve the problem of people who got old and did not married yet. However, there were positive attitudes to the establishment of these centers, practically less than half of them accepted to choose their partner by them. Most of them believed if the agencies were established, it was better to manage by government and were governed by psychologists .Generally- according the youth positive attitudes- it seems if they were managed completely by government can be very attractive for them.