Mahmood Azimi Rasta; Latif Saadati Seyed Beglou; Zabihallah Sadafi
Volume 14, Issue 27 , June 2015, , Pages 59-92
The research is to study the sociological explanations of effective elements (attitude to citizenship: understanding, participation, legal, normative, client, organizational and contingency) on youth attitude of Tehran city to Discursive citizenship. Based on discursive citizenship theory of Jurgen Habermas ...
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The research is to study the sociological explanations of effective elements (attitude to citizenship: understanding, participation, legal, normative, client, organizational and contingency) on youth attitude of Tehran city to Discursive citizenship. Based on discursive citizenship theory of Jurgen Habermas in theoretical model frame of discursive citizenship, the path of hypothesis of research and related hypothesis to citizenship attitude, is considered. Therefore in the methodology of the research based on traversal method among of youth population 18 years of Tehran city with the help of cochran formula, the sample size is determined with the rate of 723 individual, but for more generalization 337 individual is added and the total of sample is in form of cluster sampling and accidental. Therefore, by using of questionnaire directed, the needed data were gathered and by using software (SPSS) it was processed. Finally, Pierson correlation coefficient (r) is observed and meaningful relation among dependent variable (attitude of discursive citizenship) with dependent variable (attitude to citizenship: Legal, normative, client, organization and contingency). In the meantime, it has shown meaningful difference between dependent variable (attitude to discursive citizenship) and some filed variables (sex, marital status, occupation status, housing ownership and residential district), but some of field variables (vehicle, type of occupation, education, income and dimension of the family) has shown no meaningful relation. The result of Goodness of fit of research variables for assessment of validity rate and validity of items of questionnaire with amount of Cronbach’s alpha ( 0.98 ) is determined. Also for more accurate Goodness of fit of research variables, we use factor analysis which its rate in result of text KMO=0.98 and approximate test of sphericity BTS with Chisquare (x2) is equal 2.929 at the meaningful level and shows that data matrix is meaningful and there is at least necessary conditions for fulfilling factor analysis at related data matrix to all main variables. In continuous of Goodness of fit of theoretical model of research, it is used multiple regression testing and path analysis, in which based on total of direct and indirect effects of plain variables, from most powerful and largest effect of attitude of discursive citizenship of youth of Tehran, we can reach to attitude of organizational citizenship with the coefficient (0.468) and normative citizenship with the coefficient (0.241) and contingency citizenship with coefficient (0.181) which are elements that have directs effects of attitude variable of discursive citizenship. The rest of independent variables of citizenship attitude and field which are in the indirect or hidden have effect and refers on the discursive citizenship attitude of Tehran city youth. The results of findings of this research show that the attitude of youth of Tehran city to discursive citizenship is not on a positive status and even show a critical status.