Vahid Saatchian; Farideh Hadavi; Hossein Akbari Yazi; Marjan Saffari
Volume 14, Issue 27 , June 2015, , Pages 193-208
This study was to investigate the strategies and the consequences of the relation management between physical education and sport Science College and executive part of sport industry. So, deep interviews conducted to elites with work field of around research topic. Sampling was based on subjective and ...
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This study was to investigate the strategies and the consequences of the relation management between physical education and sport Science College and executive part of sport industry. So, deep interviews conducted to elites with work field of around research topic. Sampling was based on subjective and snowball approach and 18 people were interviewed. Interviews analyzed through qualitative coding (open, axial and selective).
Findings exposed 8 labels in open coding which covered the internal and external challenges of relation management of two sides and these concepts were knowledge and awareness, external view, human source, madding organizational culture, parties’ thoughts, unit responsible for/integrated management, laws and regulations and marketing
Eventually, the consequences categorized in line of strategies and were at scope of the cultural development, general development, educational development, scientific development, under development, international development, social development, economic development, technological development and political development that consistent of strategies. The research findings could help the sport managers to know scientific collaboration management and the consequences of this in those sport institutions.