Sattar Parvin; Abdolhosein Kalantari; Maryam Davoodi
Volume 13, Issue 26 , April 2015, , Pages 151-170
The present article is to study social pathologies and risky behavior among the students and its social factors. The method of research is survey. The study’s theoretical framework is the combination of social strain and social adjustment theories .A sample of 300 students living in private dormitories ...
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The present article is to study social pathologies and risky behavior among the students and its social factors. The method of research is survey. The study’s theoretical framework is the combination of social strain and social adjustment theories .A sample of 300 students living in private dormitories of Tehran city was targeted in a questionnaire survey. The results of survey show that social pathologies such as smoking and watching porn sites and videos have the highest prevalence among students. Other findings display social strain and social adjustment has statistically significant relationship with dependent variable. The results of regression analysis shows independent valuables explain 0.10 percent from variation of dependent valuable.