Seyedeh Afrooz Mousavi,; Mehrangiz Paivastegar
Volume 13, Issue 23 , April 2014, , Pages 47-62
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of self-regulation skills on learning strategies, motivation believes and happiness of high-school girls. The research method was semi-experimental designs, with pre-test, ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of self-regulation skills on learning strategies, motivation believes and happiness of high-school girls. The research method was semi-experimental designs, with pre-test, post test and follow-up of the control group. The member of sample group 30 students was randomly assigned to experimental and control group. They were tested by Oxford Happiness Inventory and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). Self –regulation skills were instructed in six session to the experimental groups, but control group did not receive any intervention and no information about these skills were instructed to them. For data analysis of variance with repeated measures and independent t-test was used. The results showed that there was significant difference (P <0.0001) between two group. The instructing self regulation skills have a significant effect on happiness of students in experimental group than the control group, and also they preserved high scores in happiness after one month. Also, experimental group showed better performance in motivation and self-regulation learning.
Mehrangiz Paivastegar; Seyyedeh Afrooz Mousavi; Leila Moghtader
Volume 12, Issue 21 , April 2013, , Pages 57-70
The aim of this study was to compare the mental health, happiness and well-being in middle-aged women with regular, irregular aerobic activity and inactive women. 200 women selected from women referred to home health centers. 75 of them had regular aerobic activity, 74 had ...
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The aim of this study was to compare the mental health, happiness and well-being in middle-aged women with regular, irregular aerobic activity and inactive women. 200 women selected from women referred to home health centers. 75 of them had regular aerobic activity, 74 had irregular aerobic activity and 51 was inactive women. Subjects are asked to complete GHQ, Oxford Happiness Inventory and well-being questionnaire. ANOVA and Tokay test was used to analyze the data. Results showed inactive middle-aged women have more anxiety, somatic symptoms and depression than middle-aged women with regular and irregular aerobic activity (P<0.05). Also results showed no significant difference between women with regular and irregular aerobic activity in mental health, happiness and well-being. On the other hand aerobic activity in any situation, especially in leisure time can improve the mental health in middle-aged women. In this research, the significant difference in mental health, happiness and well-being between women with regular and irregular aerobic activity and inactive women indicates the important impact of aerobic activity, as one of the preventive factors of mental disorders in women as well as assets for helping them to adjust with stressors.