The advantages of participating in physical activities are so well proved that many statements recommend them in preventing chronic diseases such as osteoarthritis. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Aquatic exercises on quality of life in women with knee osteoarthritis.
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The advantages of participating in physical activities are so well proved that many statements recommend them in preventing chronic diseases such as osteoarthritis. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Aquatic exercises on quality of life in women with knee osteoarthritis.
The study group consisted of twelve women who had OA with mean age (years) 58 ± 4.70, mean height (cm) 163.17 ± 6.45, and mean weight (kg) 67.83 ± 6.69. The standard sf-36 questionnaire was used for data collection. Aquatic exercises were carried out under the supervision of Aquatic exercises trainer for eight weeks. Obtained data were statistically analyzed through Paired t test at significance level of P ≤ 0.05.
General health and Physical functioning were significantly improved subsequent to the termination of the training program (P<0.05), However, No significant difference was observed between pre- and post-test conditions concerning Social functioning, Role limitations due to physical health, Role limitations due emotional problems, Pain, Energy/fatigue, Emotional well being (P>0.05).
The results showed that Aquatic exercises, as a safe and effective exercise method, should be considered in improving general health and physical functioning of women with knee osteoarthritis.