Athletes and coaches focus all their efforts on providing the physical, mental, and technical development of sports which can lead to improved performance, but without knowledge of the factors affecting training management practice it is impossible. A review of training science indicates that the knowledge, ...
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Athletes and coaches focus all their efforts on providing the physical, mental, and technical development of sports which can lead to improved performance, but without knowledge of the factors affecting training management practice it is impossible. A review of training science indicates that the knowledge, experience and ability of trainers, on one hand, and the way they might use these three elements, on the other hand, causes different results. The status of athletes in athletics as a valuable national asset and the cost of training them are crystal clear. But because of the cultural, economic, psychological, physiological, genetic, metabolic and morphological complications of athletes the first step in training management should be based on a deep understanding and detailed study of the properties listed here. Therefore, in all sports fitness, technical, tactical, metabolic, psychological and attitudinal needs of athletes should be scrutinized and training plan of each individual athlete must accord with his requirements. The second step is training principles and the way they are applied before, during and after exercises. The third step will be to control all of the variables affecting the Golden Triangle of Championship, that is, optimized practice, high performance and competition results. This is taken to prevent errors and mistakes and to allow corrections to be implemented to pave the way for growth and development. Thus, in this article, with an emphasis on different biological capacity of athletes, it is aimed to warn coaches and teams who ignore sport and skill individuality of athletes, also to introduce them efficient ways to succeed in sports. Here, through the education of scientific principles of championship, we seek to introduce the latest findings to the athletes, coaches and responsible individuals in this area and also to increase their knowledge upon effective methods of exercises.