shahram Nazari; , Siroos Hematii; Javad Mohammadi
The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of coaching leadership on innovative work behavior with the mediating role of public service motivation and trust-based relationships in the employees of the Employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The research method is descriptive and ...
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The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of coaching leadership on innovative work behavior with the mediating role of public service motivation and trust-based relationships in the employees of the Employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth. The research method is descriptive and is in the category of applied research. The statistical population of the research included all the Employees of the Ministry of Sports and Youth in the number of 828 people. The sample size of the research was based on Morgan's table, 260 people were selected by simple random. The tools used in the research were four standard questionnaires of trust-based relationships by Robbins (2003), coaching leadership by Nik Akhlaq et al. (1401), innovative work behavior by De Jong and Dan Hartog (2008), public service motivation by Alonso and Lewis (2003). The content validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by 6 sports management professors and the reliability of these questionnaires was determined as 0.84, 0.87, 0.81, 0.79, and 0.85 respectively. For data analysis, Pearson's correlation coefficient test and structural equation model were used using Spss and Lisrel software. The results showed that coaching leadership has a direct effect of 0.33 on innovative work behavior. Public service motivation and trust-based relationships play a relative mediating role in the relationship between Coaching leadership and innovative work behavior with an impact factor of 0.18 and 0.17. Therefore, the big programs of the Ministry of Sports and Youth should be aligned with t