Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Allameh Tabatabaie university of tehran


The antecedents and consequences of adjustment to parental divorce in young girls

This study was conducted with the aim of identifying the antecedents and consequences of adjustment to parental divorce in young girls.The present qualitative research was carried out using thematic analysis method. The study population in this research was equal to the research participants who were selected from among young girls in Tehran's central areas in 2021 who met the entrance criteria and expressed their readiness to participate in the interview call. Participants were selected based on purposive sampling from among individuals who met the criteria.The sampling process continued until theoretical saturation was achieved, and ultimately 16 participants were studied through semi-structured interviews. The data obtained were analyzed using the Clause method. The thematic analysis of the information showed that the background of individual, interpersonal capabilities and cultural-educational backgrounds include the main themes of developing mental capacity, cognitive ability, responsibility, adopting a positive view, active support from relatives, social connection, and beliefs.Efficient socio-cultural and educational platforms were the antecedents of adjustment to parental divorce, which resulted in the re-creation of identity with the main themes of post-traumatic growth, creation of meaning, reduction of negative emotions, increase of positive emotions and adaptation to the environment.The participating young girls in this study moved towards adjustment to parental divorce within the framework of individual, interpersonal, and cultural-educational factors instead of moving towards incompatibility and its potential harms. Therefore, focusing on the identified factors is important regarding young girls' experience of parental separation.
